• 24. 5. 2023
  • Barbora Mikolášiková, Martina Petříková, Martin Pešl

Visual stories: present Open House Brno on European meetings

Visual stories: present Open House Brno on European meetings

The Open House Brno Festival in cooperation with the Open House Europe project offers the opportunity to share your view of the Brno Festival. It can be any format of visual artwork - photograph, video, or even a cartoon, sculpture, etc... it is advisable to add an annotation to the work and explain the related idea.

The selected works will be presented at the annual meeting of Open House Europe in Lisbon at the end of 2023 and subsequently other involved cities to Open House Europe. The authors of the selected works will be supported to attend these meetings by a travel grant of up to €500.

Formal requirements - you can submit and upload your works until 14. 6. 2023 on a shared disc, where you can create your own folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1COuli7mZuhGXZs48CSw1UmPyU44_-L85?usp=sharing

at the same time please fill out the form at https://forms.gle/Ddpx5f3bGZiWtKjP7
Uniform file naming simplifies the work, please name the works in the format: surname_firstname_subject_OHB_2023 and surname_firstname_subject_annotace_OHB_2023

This is not a direct competition, there are no limitations to submitting, and all festival participants are invited to participate. This is an effort to bring Open House in the European context to a wider audience in a different way. Evaluation by architecture photography professionals will take place during the summer of 2023.

We look forward to your work.
Team OHB


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