About Open House Europe

Open House Europe is a collaborative project of 14 European cities from 13 cultural organisations. We share a vision of promoting architecture as a positive force for change. With this project, we hope to promote a more inclusive discussion about architecture, and emphasise its role in addressing critical social and environmental issues.

This project is organised by the partners of the Open House Europe cooperation: 

The project is coordinated by Architektūros fondas and co-funded by the European Union.


To highlight each year’s theme, festivals in each city place a focus on sustainability within the programme in 2023, Accessibility and Inclusion in 2024 and Future Heritage in 2025. Each year we are highlighting topic through building tours, opening up discussions around our city as a socially sustainable place to live, work and play and inviting young people to use their imaginations to build a sustainable future.

A 3-year collaboration co-funded by the European Union from early 2023, under grant nr  101100328 OHEu, funded by EU in scope of CREA-CULT-2022-COOP.

Visual stories 2023

The Open House Brno Festival in cooperation with the Open House Europe project offers the opportunity to share your view of the Brno Festival. It can be any format of visual artwork - photograph, video, or even a cartoon, sculpture, etc... it is advisable to add an annotation to the work and explain the related idea.

The submitted works were evaluated and three best artworks were chosen.

The three winners are: Michal Beredzas (sumbitted artwork: Mind Opener), Pavel Gurka (submitted artwork: Brownfields), and Nicola REDHAT Sella (submitted artwork: Elevating Sustainability).


Looking forward to seeing your visual stories in 2024.


Visual stories 2023

Projekt Open House Europe je spolufinancován

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